
- Room(s) JP

ハイプだらけの“ポスト”を駆け抜けた会心のアーバン・ステップが〈Planet Mu〉より!シーンで話題沸騰中のシカゴのジューク/フットワークとダブステップが遂に完全一体化!最狂のグールブに淡いソウルがほとばしる最新型のベース・ミュージックがここに完成!!

NYの奇才ビートメーカーMachinedrumの最新作はSolar Bears、Juke、FaltyDL、Boxcutterのリリースなどで目下注目の〈Planet Mu〉より。00年代前半より着実に進化を遂げて来たダブステップがポストへと突入した乱世の中、遂にシーンの新潮流となりつつあるシカゴのゲットー・ダンス“ジューク/ フットワーク”と完全一体化。未だかつてない最狂のグルーブにJames Blake以降世界同時多発的に沸き起こる新世代のソウル・サウンドが絡み合う、FaltyDLに続き今年度のベース・ミュージックを物語るマスト盤となること必至です!

エレクトロニカ、ダブステップ、エレクトロ、UKファンキー、そして今作ではジューク/フットワークなどあらゆるスタイルを貪欲に吸収するNYの奇才Travis Stewartによるソロ・プロジェクトMachinedrum。今は亡き名門〈Merck〉から01年にデビュー、当時のエレクトロニカを基調とした多彩なプロダクションでポストPrefuse 73として注目を浴び数枚のアルバムをリリース。最近ではNYの[Norm rex]やHud son MohawkやMike Slottも輩出したUKの新興レーベル〈Lucky Me〉からアグレッシブなエレクトロ/UKファンキー、〈Hotfush〉からリリースのPraveen SharmaとのユニットSepalcure名義ではBurial系統のディープなダブステップを披露、時代のトレンドを切り取りながら自身のスタイルを拡げて来ましたが、今作はJames Blake以降のR&B/ソウル・ミュージックをシカゴのジューク/フットワークのプロダクションへと落とし込んだような、2つのトレンドを見事に捌いた職人技は正に圧巻です。ハイプだらけの”ポスト”の中を完全にぶっちぎった未だかつてないこの疾走感をご体感あれ!!


+ ボーナストラック1曲

+ Machinedrum Exclusive DJ Mix *DL Code


+ V.A. – Planet Mu 2011 Promo Mix by Mike Paradinas





Artist Info.


USはノースカロライナ出身、現在はNYを拠点とするTravis Stewart(トラヴィス・スチュワート)によるプロジェクト Machinedrum (マシーンドラム)。00年代初頭のエレクトロニカ全盛期にPrefuse 73に続くレフトフィールドなビートメーカーとして話題となり核レーベル〈Merck〉よりデビューし、アルバムを順等に発表。00年代後期に活動が衰えるもののポスト・ダブステップ・レーベル〈Lucky Me〉からのEP『Many Faces』(2011)で再浮上し、〈Planet Mu〉より得意のメロウな上物にジュークのビートを取り入れた『Room (s)』を発表したちまちベース・シーンの最前線へ。これまでにエレクトロニカ〜ダブステップ / エレクトロ〜ジュークを横断、時代のサウンドとトレンドを貪欲に取り入れる卓越した技とセンスを併せ持つ実力派。

English Info.

Travis Stewart is a producer who’s always been admired by the electronic cognosenti, both as a solo producer in his project Machinedrum and also as one half of Sepalcure on Hotflush recordings. After a break from producing he started to resurface in a major way last year with the ‘Many Faces E.P.’ on Glasgow’s LuckyMe label. However, for 'Room(s)', his latest album on Planet Mu, he’s well ahead of the curve, approaching the album in a way he’s never worked before. The tracks on Room(s) were started on the spur of the moment, often whilst traveling and finished in the studio, with the notion in mind that great moments of inspiration are fleeting so it's best to grab on to that moment when it happens and squeeze it for all its worth. Travis says of this process; "I feel like the energy of a song is lost the longer you spend working on it. This experiment in becoming less attached to my work essentially lead to a lot of songs that are connected sonically and aesthetically." On Room(s), this 'spur of the moment' energy meant that Travis’ productions have turned the 160 bpm footwork conventions inside out. Here he fills the usually fierce, stripped down form with elegant sun kissed and impressionistic songs, built from r & b, autotune and dance music history’s most exuberant stabs and kicks. Building on his background as a hip hop producer, he casually creates a beautiful new kind of high-speed detail-packed mutant pop that, like the early post-rave sounds of ambient jungle, is psychedelic, exhilarating and strangely relaxing in it’s fast-paced washes of synths and drums. The album opens with ‘She Died There’, building incomprehensible looping swirls of cut-up vocal over precise, cool synths and agile kicks and snares. ‘Now U know Tha Deal..’ builds a new romantic flavoured synth melody over flat, heavy bass, slowly adding tough diva vocals and layers of warm chords to create something that approximates uk garage in a different matrix. 'Sacred Frequency' marries organ stabs and a catchy psychedelic chorus to create a triumphant and completely unexpectedly dizzying anthem. On ‘U Don’t Survive’ he mixes the dubbed out, autotuned lyrics ‘Out on the street you don’t survive, now is the time to realise’ over garage stabs and half speed hip hop drums, creating an exhilarating, airy rush. 'Come1' approximates a linear piano rave tune, but morphs into a blissed out shoegaze anthem halfway, while 'Youuniverse' adds congos and swelling Detroit chords over cavernous bass swells. The amazingly propulsive 'GBYE' cuts vocals up over sharp footwork-esque chord stabs like Todd Edwards on fast-forward, while 'The Statue' starts off minimal and dubbed out before building into a waterfall rush of needle-like snares and vocal loops. ‘Lay Me Down’ is sparser, leaving more space for dreaminess, building in woody, jungle-like drum breaks, while ‘Doors’ is more linear and subtle, adding in tiny details as it progresses, like a techno track. ‘Where Did We Go Wrong?’ finishes the album in an ambient style, with just the chords and vocals remaining, having omitting the rhythms, which by now might have been internalized by the listener to float away.
Release Date
¥2,000 + 税
Bass / Juke / Post Dubstep
01. She Died There 
02. Now U Know Tha Deal 4 Real
03. Sacred Frequency
04. U Don't Survive
05. Come1 
06. Youniverse 
07. GBYE
08. The Statue 
09. Lay Me Down 
10. Door(s) 
11. Where Did We Go Wrong?
12. TMPL 

*Bonus Track

Update: 13 Apr 2014

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